


The basic structure of all the activities and their causal interconnection is presented in QUADRACON organisation chart, tailored for each investment project according to the needs of the investor, and specific requests of particular projects. 


Starting from definition of the optimal activity area, optimal organizational structure for project implementation and selection of key partners, through creation of basic documents in the planning process and identification of investment project, which are used for the assessment and prediction of the project profitability, obtained by setting basic economical-technical elements that can provide real chance to the investment project to successfully operate, QUADRACON has structured its services in the following segments:

Investment-studies Project-design Project-management Strategic-planning Supervision



Integrating all the segments of unique investment process, QUADRACON Ltd., together with its associates provides for the potential Investor the series of activities in project realization.  The outcome are creative concept, physical planning issues, quality  issues, time schedule and cost planning, with follow-up of the realization according to peculiarities of each single project and the objectives set for the investment project by the entrepreneur i.e. the Investor.

Organisational chart below provides the insight in the structural functioning of all the QUADRACON activities in any complex investment project.

For any further information on the contents of a particular service, click on the service in the area. 


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